Lean Six Sigma Green Belt -training (in English)

The purpose of the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt -course is to help understand the Lean Six Sigma -methodology and its DMAIC project structure in practice. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training gives the ability to carry out relatively small, well focused, in-department projects using the Lean Six Sigma implementation strategy. After the training, Green Belt may work as a team member or temporarily lead a project team and knows statistical problem solving skills applied in Six Sigma DMAIC projects.

Lean Six Sigma trainings by Quality Knowhow Karjalainen follow the proper content and the well-tried interactive methodology. Training combines traditional classroom training, interactive use of software with Minitab and projects in practice. This requires that participants have access to a personal computer with Minitab statistical software (version 19 or newer) and their own personal improvement project. Projects act as a framework for learning helping to apply theory to practice and enhance learning.

Training is organized in course periods (2+3+3+2+1 days) that follow the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC project structure. Between the training periods, participants will work on their own project in their organization following the DMAIC project structure. Participants will constantly apply theory to real life improvement project and will gain an excellent working knowledge of   effective process improvement method and the used tools.

The training complies with ASQ and ISO 13053 requirements and follows the well-established QKK Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course format in English. Course fee includes course materials in paper or e-book format, daily breakfast buffet, lunch and coffee and project help and guidance by the instructor.

Periods (parts) of the Green Belt training course are presented below. More detailed daily content is presented.

Minitab Statistical software needed, but is not included to the price of the training.

1. part: 7.-8.10.2025
2. part: 20.-22.10.2025
3. part: 26.-28.11.2025
4. part: 16.-17.12.2025
Final Day: 13.2.2026
9:00 Opening
What is Lean and Six Sigma?
Quality basics, definition of quality and major contributors (Gurus)
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma and DMAIC process
Statistical thinking – basis for improvement
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Value and 7 wastes
Define phase of the improvement project
14:30 Coffee
Project selection, scope, definition and team and schedule
Project target and project analysis
Lean Six Sigma roles, Green Belt steps
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Opening
Introduction to Minitab statistical software
Minitab file and data types
Importing data, generating graphs and analysis of data
Exporting data and graphical outputs
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Quality tools: Pareto, Fishbone, Run Chart
Graphical analyses
14:30 Coffee
Interpreting graphs and statistical outputs
Generating reports and custom graphs
Use of Exec-macros
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Opening and recap
Measure phase of the improvement project
What is included in the measure phase? Steps
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Brainstorming, Ishikawa, 5xWhy
14:30 Coffee
Process and process mapping, SIPOC
Spaghetti diagrams
Value Stream Map
17:00 End of training day


9:00 Analytical process map
Detailed value stream mapping
12:00 Lunch
13:00 XY-matrix
14:30 Coffee
Process FMEA
Data collection and sampling
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Measurement system analysis, MSA
Gage Type 1 study
Variable Gage R&R study,  Attribute agreement analysis
12:00 Lunch
13:00 5S method
14:30 Coffee
Takt Time, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Capability and capability analysis, capability indexes
Course project and requirements of the Green Belt certificate
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Opening and recap
Project review
Analysis phase of the improvement project
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Process door approach
Takt image
14:30 Coffee
Line balancing
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Pull production and Kanban
Quick Changeover (SMED)
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) concept
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Data door approach
Expletory and confirmatory data analysis (EDA AND CDA)
14:30 Coffee
Graphical data analysis tools in Minitab
Multivariable analysis
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Central limit theorem (CLT) in statistics
Statistical decision making and confidence intervals
Power and sample size calculations
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Statistical tools for analysis
Statistical test for comparing means, 1 sample t-test, 2 sample t-test
14:30 Coffee
Correlation and regression analysis
Instructions for course project
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Opening and recap
Project review
Introduction to Desing of Experiments (DOE)
Conducting a full factorial experiment
12:00 Lunch
13:00 DOE with Dublo
Analysis of experimental data with Minitab
Key advantages of designed experiments
14:30 Coffee
DOE roadmap – how to conduct an experiment
Getting ready to test improvement ideas
17:00 End of training day
9:00 Catapult – DMAIC-process with a catapult
Screening factors with fractional design
Process modelling with full factorial design
Model verification
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Poka-Yoke
Control phase of the improvement project
Control plan
14:30 Coffee
Final report and ending the project
Project exit and recognition
17:00 End of training day
Part V Objective: review of completed projects and lessons learned.
Day 11  9.00-17.00
Presentations of completed projects, 20 to 30 minutes per project. Run-through of course content and key points. Handing out course and Green Belt certificates.
Minitab perusteet

No prior knowledge of Lean Six Sigma required. Participants should have access to Minitab statistical software.

Kouluttaja Matti Pesonen

Matti Pesonen
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Training venue
Tekniikantie 12, Innopoli 1
02150 Espoo

Yrityskohtainen laatukoulutus

In-house training available
Training is also available as in-house training. Ask for a quotation directly matti@qkk.fi

More information


Participants will apply what they have learned to a real improvement project at their own organizations. This enhances learning and develops understanding to effectively improve processes not just in theory!

Laptop & Minitab-software

Participants should have access to a laptop and Minitab software during the training.

All participants will receive certificate of attendance. Upon completing their Green Belt project, participants will receive Quality Knowhow Karjalainen Lean Six Sigma Green

The highly popular QKK Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training is now available in English for those that feel that attending in Finnish does not work just yet. Need training for your team? Ask for a group discount!


Training will be held in a Otaniemi, Espoo which is easy to access with public transportation or by car. Parking available (with a fee).


Morning and afternoon coffee and lunch is included daily.

Koulutuksesta sanottua

Learn new methods that can be applied in daily work. The training setup was good with theory and examples. Thanks!
For the trainer: - Use much more time to explain how to choose a suitable project and check if the participants have selected a suitable project - I can´t remember I have seen a “recommended knowledge” list upfront, for someone without statistic knowledge at all this training is not suitable - The provided documentation to follow the course is not sufficient. Especial as it is impossible to make own notes in the documents or save them to review at a later stage
Participating in this Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training has been an eye-opening experience for me. It has encouraged me to approach the continuous improvement project in a more systematic manner. While not all the methods seemed entirely suitable for this particular project, the majority of them have proven effective in supporting our objectives.

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